Monday, May 6, 2019

Avengers End Game - Petulant Retaliation

This post was of course set off as the title suggests by the movie Avengers - End Game.

I know that so many people loved the movie. As a cinematic experience, i liked the movie, however i completely disagree with the morality of the story if you will.

Here are the reasons why?

  • How is it Ok for Iron Man to snap his fingers and wipe out Thanos's army?
    • Don't they deserve to live like all the other beings that were brought to life?
    • Did they all have the same principles as of Thanos - that to wipe out half the life of the universe?
    • What about their family and friends? - Don't they deserve time with them?
  • Its been five years since half the life was wiped away.
    • If they are brought back suddenly and the rest have lived for 5 years.
    • What about the emotional and psychological effect on all the sentient life forms?
      • Did the heroes think about that?
      • How are the life forms gonna cope?
        • Both the life forms that survived for 5 years and have adjusted.
        • The ppl who have returned. 
      • What about the availability of resources for the people who are returned.
  • So, the heroes would rather that many life forms live in poverty and disease, compete for diminishing resources rather than with plentiful resources for all?
    • I mean Thanos makes it very clear why he is doing it. He is not trying to become a tyrant (Sure he presumes to make the decision for all of life, but at least his logic for what he is doing is clear and understandable). He wants to see life bloom in its full magnificence. 
In short, the only reason i think the Avengers do the snap and return life is because of petulant retaliation. It's because Thanos defeated and bested them. They just want to be the winner, no matter the cost. 

And oh yeah, if I were to get a gauntlet like Thanos - I would do the same thing he did. 

Pets, Parents and Patriotism

Yep, that's the title of my blog post - Pets, Parents and Patriotism. To understand the connection between the 3, read on.

Let's start with Pets. A lot of us have Pets, or there are Pets in your home. Now, if you the question, do you love your Pets, the answer will be a resounding Yes (I mean, will will anyone have a Pet that they don't love? If you do have a Pet that you don't love - that's going to be a whole another blog post.)

Now, if i ask you do you respect your Pet? What would your answer be? First, the concept of Respect for a Pet is quite a alien thing. I know, many will disagree with me saying No, that they respect their Pets. But do you truly respect the Pet? Do you trust your Pet to know what he/she/it wants?Give the pet the space they want?

Many of us take our Pets for granted. When was the last time, you did something that showed respect to your Pet(s)?

With that thought in your mind, think about your parents. Many of us (I am not going to be politically correct, and say "All") love our Parents. How many of us Respect our Parents? I know, I know, people are going to say we all love and respect our Parents.

But, do you truly respect your Parents? I have heard many people crib about their parents (about their likes/dislikes and decisions). If you truly respect someone, would you crib about them to others or would you actively debate/discuss with them about your opinions and come to a common conclusion. At the least you will agree to disagree.

One might say, respect for a person does not mean blind acceptance for everything that a person does. No, I agree it does not. But, without trusting someone, you cannot have a respect for that person. And when you have trust and respect for a person, you don't go around cribbing about that person. And when you say you love a person, you cannot do that without trusting or respecting that person (You may disagree, but this not  a negotiable point.)

Got You, Didn't I? Actually wanted to write a longer post, before giving this punch.
Here is the question - why is it taken for granted that people should love and respect their Parents?

And taking that point further - and applying it to Patriotism. Why is it taken for granted that one has to be patriotic towards that country that they were born into? Why should one have love for a nation/homeland in the first place?
After all a nation is not a natural entity (for lack of a better word), one doesn't find a nation in nature. Sure, yes every animal has a territory that it considers its own and protects. But here is the difference, animals don't interfere in the territory of other animals. They don't overuse the resources in their territory.

And, then there is the question can a person have patriotism towards a country other than in which they were born. Can patriotism be driven purely by the ideology or the founding ethos of a country rather than in which country a person was born.

Or why should one feel patriotism itself at all? Yes, maybe it is rooted in the tribal bonding that helped humans survive. But now that we have evolved, should we still be tied to the old notions? Shouldn't one re-examine the notions.  

Tuesday, March 19, 2019


I recently came across an advertisement from a non-profit that was asking for donations. The donation was so that they could shelter and feed more stray dogs & cats for longer time and prevent these animals from being euthanized.

And it got me thinking – how euthanizing of animals (stray, old or badly injured) is a common practice across the world.  While I couldn’t fine the numbers globally, I got the number that approximately 1.5 million dogs & cats are euthanized each year in the USA. Though this number has apparently come down from 2.6 million in 2011. Imagine that for a minute, that numbers equal to the number of people in a city like Madurai, India.

Yes, euthanizing animals is legal and people don’t want to see their pets suffer in pain. Which is all fine and agreeable. However, if you look at the legality of human euthanasia, in only 5 countries is it legal – with very specific language on when it can be legal. Assisted suicide is legal in 4 countries, some US states and 1 state in Australia – again with very specific language.

How is it that humans think that it is ok/acceptable to euthanize animals but when it comes to humans, there is dithering and specific rules and legalities laid out.

Most of you would argue that the rules and legalities are required to prevent people from being killed for other purposes and these murders covered up as euthanasia; that the euthanasia loophole could be used by serial killers.

But here is the thing, how do you know that there is no animal serial killer out there. A person who has trained to control their urges and get-by by killing only animals. Especially in India with such a large stray dog & cat population, it would be easy to pull it off. In fact, anywhere in the world it would be possible – because nobody keeps a track of the animal deaths. Btw, most serial killers start with animal cruelty in their childhood.

I believe the reason why humans consider it ok for animal euthanasia and not so much for human euthanasia is about mental conditioning. Mental conditioning of the supremacy of humans over other life forms.

We are told and the idea is reinforced from a young age that somehow humans are better and more valuable than other life forms. It’s the same idea that I was trying to make about in my previous post.
If you ask any human – why & how humans are better than other life forms, the answers would range from – look what humans have achieved, humans are the most intelligent, human are the top of the food chain.

Humans are not the top of the food chain, humans have been hunted by other animals for so many ages. Why did you think humans have a ingrained fear of the dark? As for the most intelligent – really and look at what humans have done – the invention of so many tools to kill more efficiently and more quickly; human greed, the extinction of so many animals. And the question of look what humans have achieved – again you are looking from a human perspective. Is what humans have done considered achievement? Have you seen animals in their natural state – being depressed and killing for the pleasure of killing.

If one removes the human perspective and see objectively – there is no reason why humans are better, more valuable than other life forms. All lifeforms have a more or less equal purpose in the food chain. And I would argue that humans have done more harm to everything than good.
So, what am trying to convey here? That animals should not be euthanized so easily? That a larger debate on animal euthanasia has to happen? That human euthanasia has to be made more available? Or that humans are not worthy.

Now, I definitely am saying that humans are not worthy. Which I have been making for many many years.

As for the others I am saying that humans needs to start thinking about every aspect that we have taken for granted.

Does it mean that I am going to stop eating chickens or using bug spray, Hello no that’s my prerogative.