Thursday, September 3, 2020

Choice 2 For Humaity


In my previous blogpost, I wrote about the choice that Humanity has – either a long, slow, drawn out death or a quick, fast death for humanity.

Now, let me talk about another choice that Humanity has.

This is a choice that many people have already talked about, it’s not a radical thought. This is just my take on the idea.

The question/choice is this: Where is Humanity headed?

I am not going into the questions of the purpose of humanity/life. Because, I am of the opinion that humanity/ life does not have a purpose. Yes, I am not a Nihilist.  But, in the sense humanity/life by itself or intrinsically does not have a purpose.

But I believe that Humanity can setup a purpose for itself and work together for it.

Yes, I know – for entire Humanity to agree on a common goal is impossible. This is just a thought experiment.

Imagine, what do most humans do during their life time – literally nothing. Humans are born, live, grow, study, work, marry, procreate, die. What is it that we achieve in that lifetime. Yes, there are exceptions to the rule.

I believe we should set a goal – finding a Fast Than Light (FTL) engine to spread humanity over the Galaxy; finding whether there is life outside of our Solar System.

Other things that Humanity wastes time/effort/money on should be redirected. Yes, I understand – we never know from where a breakthrough could come that could be used in another industry.

The reason why I am suggesting such a aim for Humanity is – otherwise what else are Humans doing. And, how are humans different from other animals.

Monday, August 24, 2020

Choices For Humanity

Humanity is cross points – I know it’s a cliched a saying, but I guess we can use say that given that Humans are at Cross Points

·        Given that Global Warming is going to increase the average temperature beyond what humans can survive.

·        Nano plastic is dissolved into all aspects of our food chain.

·        Pollution

·         Of course, there are issues that are happening, like the raise of populism that is not the subject of this blog.

Global Warming:

As per the latest data and models that humans currently have, the melting of the Greenland Glacier has reached a tipping point and has no chance to recover.

Furthermore, the Climate models are all predicting that the doubling of the greenhouse gases will cause a higher increase in the avg global temperature than previous models predicted. Some are even predicting an increase of 5 degrees Centigrade.

Given the lack of global consensus, there no chance for us humans reduce the amount of greenhouse that we are emitting.


Nano Plastic:

New scientific evidence shows that plastic that we use are breaking down, dissolving into micro and nano particles. These particles are dissolving into all aspects of the food chain. It’s even been found in the glacier samples in Antarctica. Think about that – even in Antarctica, its present. And more plastic is entering the food cycle everyday.

Given, that humans cannot reduce the usage of plastic, which has become ubiquitous in everyday life. Of course, there is always the chance that someone can invent some technology that compost plastic or remove the plastic from environment.



Have you heard of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch? If you have or haven’t – here is a recap. The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is the name given to a large are of marine debris containing of plastic and floating trash. It currently covers an area of covers 1.6 million square kilometres. And this is just the debris that has accumulated into some areas.

And more pollutants are dissolving into the ocean, land every single day. All these are entering our food chain, affecting local weather patterns in ways we cannot even predict.




Choices That Humans Have:

Now given all the above – the survivability of humans is in question.

Humans have 2 choices:

Choice A:

Do everything we can to reduce greenhouse gases; reduce the plastic usage, remove the plastic in environment, reduce the pollution in world and make the world a better place to live.

Given the lack of political will from governments across the globe – getting any of this done.

So, the global avg temp is going to go up – humans will suffer, many millions will die, many will suffer slow long-term effects like cancer, birth defects that are debilitating.

And what about the humans who survive – their genetic diversity will be very low. Will be humans be able to recover from such an event? Depends on how many humans survive, how much genetic variations there is among the humans that survive. Too many factors that will need to be processed.

Now, lets look at the other choice we have.

Choice B:

Humans have another choice – lets accelerate the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere; not reduce the usage of plastic.

I am saying let’s go full head on crash into the destruction of our species.  Why a long, slow drawn out death – when I say – lets do the quick, single stroke death. A mercy killing if one could call it.

Some may call it Nihilistic – but does anyone have a better idea??

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Women Authors and the Bias in Fiction

I was going through the list of books in my library – when I noticed something. Something that had previously noticed and not put too much thought about.
It looks me that most women authors writing fiction - seem to write stories – no matter the genre of fiction be it Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Thriller, Comedy, Mystery – the central pivot is romance or the protagonist has to have a romantic interest.
This is not to say that male authors don’t write stories with the central pivot being romance, or that that there is no romance angle in the stories (or by-plots) but that the preponderance of stories written by women authors – the romance angle is front and center.
Is this because that most women authors don’t write stories without romance angle – because of the type-casting of expectation/peer mentality/ group-thinking or that there is an inherent bias in the book publishing industry – where in the expectation is that a story sent in by women authors that don’t have the central pivot of romance or the protagonist does not have a romantic interest is not published?
If you ask me – it’s a mix of both the factors – or to put in a better way – a self-perpetuating cycle where women authors because of the inherent bias they feel write stories with romance angle and the editors/publishing – because they see women authors writing/turning in more stories with romance angle – expect to see all books from women authors to have romance angle and biased against stories that do not have the romance angle.
With the availability of self-publishing in recent years and especially with Amazon – ebook publishing – I think we should see varied stories from women authors that doesn’t have the central pivot is romance or the protagonist has to have a romantic interest.