Thursday, September 3, 2020

Choice 2 For Humaity


In my previous blogpost, I wrote about the choice that Humanity has – either a long, slow, drawn out death or a quick, fast death for humanity.

Now, let me talk about another choice that Humanity has.

This is a choice that many people have already talked about, it’s not a radical thought. This is just my take on the idea.

The question/choice is this: Where is Humanity headed?

I am not going into the questions of the purpose of humanity/life. Because, I am of the opinion that humanity/ life does not have a purpose. Yes, I am not a Nihilist.  But, in the sense humanity/life by itself or intrinsically does not have a purpose.

But I believe that Humanity can setup a purpose for itself and work together for it.

Yes, I know – for entire Humanity to agree on a common goal is impossible. This is just a thought experiment.

Imagine, what do most humans do during their life time – literally nothing. Humans are born, live, grow, study, work, marry, procreate, die. What is it that we achieve in that lifetime. Yes, there are exceptions to the rule.

I believe we should set a goal – finding a Fast Than Light (FTL) engine to spread humanity over the Galaxy; finding whether there is life outside of our Solar System.

Other things that Humanity wastes time/effort/money on should be redirected. Yes, I understand – we never know from where a breakthrough could come that could be used in another industry.

The reason why I am suggesting such a aim for Humanity is – otherwise what else are Humans doing. And, how are humans different from other animals.

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