Thursday, February 25, 2021

Human Expansion across the Galaxy

 I was watching an interesting video on Youtube about NASA’s  plan to  build a colony on Moon as a stepping stone to launch/build colony on Mars. It brought into my mind a thought that I have had for the past year or so.. should humans expand beyond the Earth.

Let’s leave the question of human survivability (nor non-survivability) on Earth, it’s a different question and is not the subject of this particular blog.

Let’s make the argument for or against humanity expansion across the Solar system/Galaxy.. let’s not even discuss about spreading to other Galaxies.

Humans or Homo Sapiens survives to live across multiple planets/moons/space stations.

Now, lets look at a deeper perspective.

Do we really think that humans spreading across multiple planets/moons is going to remove all the social/economically/racially/caste/political/religious class distinctions that humans have?

Do we really think, instead of one country against another, it will become one planet against another?

I know, what its going to become like – sure some planets will be ethnically/politically/racially/caste/socially/economically/religioussly diverse. But some planets will become monogenic in terms of any of the above stated. And, do you think these monogenic planets will let the diverse planets be at peace? Or let the other planets/moons of what they consider inferior at peace? There will be wars fought against other planets for supremacy even at the cost of destruction of entire planets

Know how these planets will react if & when humanity comes across say a other sapience species (Species that is on same or above the technology level of humans at that time). Won’t they try to form alliances with the other species to destroy or rule over the other planets. And before you say No, look at human history. See what happened in Africa/ India. Some of the native population used/tries to use the Europeans to settle scores with their traditional enemies, and that is how the Europeans got a foothold in these places.

To say, this would not happen is to ignore humanity’s nature and ignore everything that has happened in human history.

Let’s not talk about what will happen if humanity comes across a sapience species that is technologically less developed. Let’s be honest they would be subsumed and made to serve under humans, no question about it.

So, simple answer – please lets no spread across multiple planets and do ourselves a favor.

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