Sunday, March 16, 2008


Finally folks, you get to read the thoughts of the great Lord Pidog.

Lord Nihlus Pi Dog Says:

In Life there are certain

Questions not worth asking.

Answers not worth chasing.

If it's your fate to change fate then what can stop you?(If there is fate.)

There is randomness in order and a order in randomness.

Chaos is nothing but random order.

Society is a tool for the non powerful who know their power to control the powerful who don't know their power.

The only intransigent thing in life is transience.

Life is transient, that's the beauty of it.

Succeeding is great but knowing where you will is greater.

It's easy to be wise you just need to know how.

There is only one way from the top.

No matter how many people you love, no matter how many people love you, when it really comes down to it, you are alone in this world.

We don't determine our birth. We don't determine our death. Why then do we try to determine what happens in between?

Answer: Because we are humans!

Is there anything as good or bad?

Which is better? Being a Specialist or a Generalist.

Sometimes we have to do things not because we want to but because we have to.

In Life, tough decisions have to be taken whether you like it or not. The sooner you accept this fact the better it is for you.

What would be the best way to show your contempt to something but by conquering it.

We are what we are because of what we are.

From the darkest of times come the brightest of lights (sort of redundant).

Sometimes we do not mean what we mean and mean what we don't mean.

The world is going to the dogs and i am one of them.

The hardest thing in life is to be honest with oneself and the easiest is to lie.

What will happen if we know what is going to happen?

Which is worse? Consciously doing the wrong thing for the right reasons or doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.

The greatest gift that you can offer a person is not that you can ascend the highest peaks but that you can descend to the deepest nadirs.

Winners "write" history.

History judges you not by How but by What.

Your determination to do something is not shown by what your are willing to give up but by what your are willing to take up.

The worse thing in life is not that giving up but refusing to take up.

Which is better? Is it to "Stand and Fight" and Fall or to "Live Today, Fight Tomorrow" and Win.

How much Grey matter you have determines how much you think about Grey area's.

What is reality but our assumption that it something is real.

Between the Deep Blue Sea and the Devil, choose the Devil at least you have a chance of making a deal.

Sometimes to Win is to Lose and to Lose is to Win.

It is sometimes better to Lose than to Win.

Ignorance is sometimes better than knowledge.

It is the principle of the thing rather than the thing itself that matters.

If there had been no Goliath, there would have been no David.

The Weak shall die and the Strong shall survive.

The most barbaric are the most civilized and reverse holds as well.

Death is not the end of Life, but its continuation.

Nobody Wins in a War, the same goes for Life.

Everyone Losses in a War, Life is the biggest War.

I like journeys, but i don't like the biggest one of them all.

Go to your deaths with your heads held high and with a laugh, after all it's what life is all about.

Everyone has fears only the degree and the cause of fear varies.

The two greatest sin's of the world Self-Deception and Self-Denial.

Do we know all the time why we do what we do and why we feel what we feel?

If perfection is a myth, why chase it?

Perfection is against the very existence of the universe.

Desire is considered the root of all evil, but without desire how can anyone live?

If it is not about Winning or Losing, but only about how good a fight you put up, why is Winning given so much importance?

If Winning is a habit (it should also hold true for Losing), then how does Losing become the first step to Success.

That all truths are facts and all facts are truths is by itself a truth and a fact.

1 comment:

Aswin Kini said...

Machi, good sayings da!! I liked the points regarding desire, victory and the one about the world going to the dogs.

But, one thing da,nee yellaraiyum theliva kolappitte. :-)

Super, continue pannu, ippadiya nee yeludhittu irundha oru naal unaku Modern CONFUCIUS'nu pattam koduthaalum koduppanga