Friday, November 27, 2009

In Defense of My Insanity - Part 2

I know, I know…its been a long time since I posted anything on my blog… I know some of you have withdrawal symptoms….sorry for all that.

I was trying to change the tone of my blog, by trying to try up something that was truly funny without being sarcastic, preachy or any of the other things that is my modus operandi.

Alas, I failed repeatedly, so I decided to write something serious. Seriously people, explaining one’s insanity is such a serious business – and I am the Emperor of this field as I am in many other fields.

Now, to the issue at hand: Let me defend my insanity in one more way.

The reason why I am insane is because that my being sane is so abhorrent to the nature, to the very existence of the Universe. So, the Universe is sending the Higgs Boson (the most primary of all particles that make up atoms.) or some other tool in it possession to travel back in time to make me insane and keep me that way – so that the Universe does not face annihilation.

You see, I have been trying to make a break for it – trying to go sane, but it is just not happening and not for trying mind you. Of course, I need not tell readers of my blog about my past trysts with attempts – all have failed miserably. I seem to have been caught at a status quo, a quagmire out of which I am not able to extract myself. It is like being at the wheels of an F1 car, but caught in peak hour traffic.

It is interesting of how I came about this explanation/defense – I was reading an article about the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). It felt vaguely familiar, until it hit me in the full the night after reading the article.

I have posted a link to article: The Collider, the Particle and a Theory About Fate

You see though the article may have a negative connotation for the time-backward travelling particles, in my own case I am entitled to believe that it is in a very positive connotation and not without reason.

I believe or rather know that my ingenuity, intelligence – capable of ruling the entire Universe – is but an off-shoot of my current state of insanity. So, my becoming sane may cause the Universe to lose the most powerful entity it has ever had the honor of hosting, capable of saving it from danger and taking it to unimaginable heights.

So, the Universe is sending out the Higgs Boson or some other tool to stop me from becoming sane. In the process, it is also stopping the LHC from being successful.

Lets us all hope that the Universe finds out a way to keep me insane without affecting the LHC. The march of science should continue, even at the cost annihilation of the Universe, for otherwise humanity would stagnate and waste away.

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